
Monday, December 24, 2012

Good and Bad

Hi. It's been 9 days since I last posted on this blog. I thought it'd be longer, but 9 days only? Too many things happened in this past 9 days. But I'm going to focus on today. First of all, I want to wish Merry Christmas to those who are celebrating it. Hope y'all have a nice holiday. So, I'm going to tell about the bad things first. It's not that bad, considering that it happened to me, so I considered it as bad. What is it? I'm having a fever. I don't usually get fever. But when I have it, I feel like I want to die. Even at this very moment, I'm having it and with diarrhea, to make things worst. What to do right, things just happens.

For the good part, here it comes, hehe. I just ordered the 2nd batch of my products, as the balance in my hand is just 300 something. I just sold 700 plus in the past 9 days. It's not that big, but it's a start. Ordered another 1000 bottles and I hope I can sell it faster than the previous one.

P/S : To the special lady who might be reading this, hope I can meet you before this 1st Jan. If you want to meet me on the 1st, I would be more than delightful, but we both know that is not possible. Hope to see you soon :)

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Melissa Secret Slimming Balm

As you all may see, this is the latest product my company has produced. Ehem2. My company.. Sounds big. Hehe. Yup, just registered it on 12/12/12, nice date huh? Took me a whole day queuing up to get the registration done. But that's a different matter. The importing is that, oh, I forgot to tell you all the product name. It is called, after a long discussion, Slimming Balm. Not actually that special right? Actually, what we were really discussing( "we" are referring to my family) was the name of the company. So, in full, this product here is called MELISSA SECRET SLIMMING BALM. Yup, nothing special, still. But I will try to make atleast the country recognize its name. This has not yet been launched, as the packaging is still not completed. But for me, I had followers and fans, so to not making them wait any longer, I just sell it like that, ofcourse with a lower price. I'm going to meet the packaging guy tomorrow, and expecting to negotiate a good proce for the packaging. So, wish me luck :)

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Stock Arrival

As you all can see, this is the stock I was mentioning in the title. It has 1000 bottles in 14 boxes, and it is supposed to arrive a week ago. Oh, well. I guess no harm done. I'm still thinking on how should I sell these stuffs. Not that I don't have a way, but I want to really make sure that it's the right way. The bottle looks empty right? I mean, there's no stickers, boxes and stuffs. That's because I just got the design for the sticker and the packaging. Will upload it later, because I have some things that need my attention right now. But I WILL upload it later. Before I forgot, just a little message to my dearest who maybe currently resting right now, have a good rest. You know I'm here and always be there for you no matter what happens.

Monday, December 10, 2012

The Designer

Now I'm currently waiting for the design for my new product. The designer was quite talented actually. Met him last night and he sketched a few designs and got me attracted. But still, I have to give him 2-3 days before seeing his sketches. So, for today, I think I have to see someone that is always in my mind. :)

Neo Genesis

Ok.. Neo genesis. Seems like a new word to me. Actually, they are two new words. Well, referring to my current situation, I might need a Neo Genesis. Well, what does it mean by Neo Genesis? According to my understandings, it means "A new birth". Some might say, "Rebirth". As I am now in dire need of a rebirth. Lots has happened lately, related to somethings that I consider counter-productive. So, I decided to let it be and be more focused on my work, as working is productive. Hm, speaking of work, I am actually in a part of my life where I think I want to collect as much money as I can within a year. Maybe some may say I am materialistic. Let them say. I don't care. They are not the ones who put food on my table. Moving towards the end of the year 2012, I really want to change everything for the better. To the ones who are really supporting me, I want to say thank you. Especially to my family members who are always there in my time of need. And they are now running a part of my business. And one special thanks to this one person, who are currently staying at Damansara Perdana. I want you to know that your support really meant a great deal to me. Just by thinking of you makes me feel spirited.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Best Day EVER -2nd August 2012

Hai. Dah sebulan lebih tak update blog ni. Mesti dah bersarang labah2 dah kalo blog ni cam umah kan. Hehe. Anyway, just nak cite sumthing. Actually skang ni tgh demam campak, n hari tu baru lepas jatuh longkang. Maybe demam ni sbb jatuh longkang hari tu kot. Apa2 hal pun nak cite pasal 2hb ogos haritu. Yup, mmg hari best buat saya, sbb hari tu hari pertama saya keluar buka puasa dengan my Girl Friend. Hehe. Syok kot lepas dah lama tak bersua akhirnya makan sama2. Tapi tu ar, tak sempat nak tangkap gambar, so tak de gambar yang nak di showing off kat sini, huhu. Takpe, maybe next time. Yang penting pasni mmg akan jumpa lagi. Elok je lepas jumpe tu, saya kena serangan demam campak, adei. Habis sume plan. Tapi skng ni dah nak elok. Hari Raya ni nak g beraya kat umah SS. :)

Monday, July 2, 2012


Tak semua orang tahu cerita di sebalik tabir. Yang orang hanya tahu cerita yang dipaparkan. Hurm, ape yang aku merepek ni. Ok, just nak bagitau yang selama ni, aku dok fikir yang kita boleh kongsi kesengsaraan kita dengan orang lain (bukan suami or keluarga). Dalam erti kata lain, orang terapat dengan kita. Macam2mana kita cerita sekali pun, diorang just dapat dengar je, tak dapat rasa pun. Kadang2 cerita2 kita ni membosankan diorang. Nak buat camne. Kadang2, diri kita di judge plak oleh orang2 yang mendengar ni.  Lagi tak best. In the end of the day, kita juga yang merasa kesengsaraan tu. Memang kadang2 rasa macam nak give up, tapi deep in our heart, we know we can't. Atleast not now. Atleast we will give it one more go. Atleast we get to taste a little bit of what the world has in store for us. For me, I've been thru a lot. I've up there and down there. I have tasted more difficulties that others tasted sweetness. Not to brag, but I think I know very well how to handle a situation when it comes. Ofcoz I think that I am really wise. But there's a girl, she always made me feel like a dwarf in a giant's world. She is the reason why I look at the world at a different perspective. She is the reason why I won't give up~

Friday, June 22, 2012

Hari Malang

Ok, hari ni nak cite sikit ar. Pasal satu kejadian yang tek berapa nak best. Cite terjadi hari Khamis lepas, iaitu bersamaan dengan 21/June/2012. Starting nye camni. Mula2, aku dah dapat surat tawaran pinjaman MARA. Bile tengok kat website MARA dan tengok aku dah boleh download surat tawaran, memang tersangat happy lah aku. So, untuk settle kan surat tawaran tu, macam2 kena buat. Kena dapatkan cop pengesahan, cop majikan, payslip mak ayah datok nenek sume bagai lah. Pendek kata, walaupun dah dapat surat tawaran, macam2 lagi nak kena buat. Yang paling penting, kena dapatkan cop duty setem. Kenapa aku cakap paling penting? Sebab kena bayar RM40, sebab nak kena cop 4 kali. Kopak lagi wallet aku, haha. So, pada hari khamis tu pun aku siapkan semua. Dari pukul 8 pagi sampai pukul 11.30 pagi baru settle kerja2 tadi. Tu belum pergi hanta lagi kat bahagian Hal Ehwal Murid kat UNIKL tu. So, aku amek keputusan nak tido dulu sebelum pergi submit surat tu. Dalam pada aku tido tu, siap termimpi aku accident lagi. Haha. Mainan tidur kan. So, lepas aku bangun, aku pun terus ar bergegas pergi KTM. Naik public transport je, senang, elak jam. Haha. Aku sampai je kat pejabat HEM, terus aku bagi surat tu kat akak tu, suro dia check ada silap ke tak. Dia cakap sume ok. Memang lega gile rasa di hati. Kejap lagi, dia check2, nama aku takde dalam senarai semak yang MARA bagi kat UNIKL. Lepas dia buat beberapa call, dia bagitahu aku yang MARA dah gagalkan permohonan aku n aku hanya boleh memohon pada sem hadapan. Maknenye, sem yang pertama punya yuran, aku kena bayar sendiri. Dan jumlahnya kurang lebih RM7000~ Mane nak cari duit dalam masa tak sampai 2 bulan ni. Huhu. Jadi, sekarang ni, memang aku tengah nekad nak mencari duit, tak nak susahkan mak bapak kan. So, sampai kat sini je dulu. Nantikan update yang lain pulak. Pasal camne aku cari duit k. Byebye~

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Lamanye Tak Update Blog~

Assalamualaikum dan salam satu Malaysia. Pergh, lama gila aku tak update blog ni. Bukan nak bagi alasan, tapi memang kebelakangan ni memang agak sibuk. Nak buat camne kan, sambung study. Dah la sambung study, buat bisnes sikit2 plak tu. Huhu. Owh, macam dalam cerita yang lepas2, kalo masih ingat lagi, aku cakap nak sambung study computer science kat UiTM kan? Tak jadi sambung kat sane sebenarnye, sambung kat UNIKL. Amek course Software Engineering. Memang hidup jadi lebih teratur dan lebih busy sbnrnye. Tapi sangat2 enjoy gak. Sebab kenal ngan lagi banyak kawan.

Awek? Sekarang memang still dengan cinta hati ku aka SS ^^, love u very much darling. You are my one true love and I will make u my wife, promise. Cewah. Tapi mmg aku betol2 sayang kat dia. Memang standard ar dalam perhubungan akan ada bump2 sikit. Nevertheless, kitorang still bersama. Bulan 10 ni cukup ar setahun aku ngn SS.

Ok, enaff setori pasal love. Sebab love je memang takkan dapat sara anak orang kan. So, sekarang study pun dah right on track, love life pun on track gak, pasal income je yang tak berapa nak on ni. This is one part that I worked really hard to get it back on track. I've done so many things but they  turned out to be not what I expected. Standard ar, kehidupan kan. Yang penting jangan give up. So, nak dijadikan cerita, buat masa sekarang, memang aku tengah on satu projek yang takdelah besar mane, tapi kalo menjadi, memang aku terus masuk meminang SS. Beli umah n beli kereta. Ni ultimate target aku. Jadi, maybe sampai sini dulu lah penceritaan aku buat masa ni. Sehinggal berjumpa lagi, assalamualaikum.

Thursday, February 2, 2012


If I could make you see, what I see thru these eyes,
If I could make you feel, what I feel in my heart,
If I could make you taste, the vibe you give me thru these veins,
If I could make you hear your name echoing thru my ears,

If I could take back what I did and make you smile,
If I could take back what I said so you can live happier,

If I could be the reason for you to be happy,
If I could be a dream that you consider sweet,
If I could be, the one who can remove all your sadness,
If I could be, your knight in shining armor,

If I could be the one who your heart is longing for,
If I could be the other half that your heart is looking for,
If I could be the mate that your soul is waiting for,

If I could just say I love you,
If I could just hear you say you love me,

If all could happen just like that,

Saturday, January 21, 2012

I'm only Human

Hello guys and girls, children of all ages! Maybe this is quite awkward for me, to be writing this post in English. I'm not trying to show you all that i can write, but just want to practice my skill that I haven't used for quite a while now. Maybe some of you agree, and maybe some of you think that I want to show off. It's ok. It is understandable if some of you think like that. First of all, my writing is not very good as it consists most of commonly used words. And 2nd of all, we are human. So, given any circumstances or situation, our point of view or opinion might be slightly different from one another, or sometimes it might be very opposite. But human have been given one of the most wonderful gift, that is our mind. Where we can reason with some of the thing that we might not yet understand. Where we can learn how to accept others' point of view in a new way. Usually, different opinions led to misunderstandings and some arguments. That's totally normal. That's why we have to discuss and learn about each other point of view, because we all have different experience that led to the way of our opinion. And sometimes, we tend to make mistake that we bound to regret of doing. Just like me. I've done something that hurtful to the one that I love. I hope, she can forgive me and I promise that I won't do it again.. Thanks

Friday, January 13, 2012

Here We Go Again..

Assalamualaikum dan selamat sejahtera. Sebelum ni saya ada update pasal saya sambung belajarkan. So, baru2 ni saya baru je selesai sesi pendaftaran dan orientasi. So, biar saya cite serba sedikit tentang apa yang tterjadi. Ok, jadi setelah lama menunggu, hari pendaftaran pun tiba dan Alhamdulillah tiada apa2 yang tak elok berlaku semasa hari pertama pendaftaran. Agak sedih gak sebab saya tak dapat asrama, tapi nasib baik kampus kat K.L je, so tak de lah susah mane pun nak sampai ke sana dari rumah saya. Ambil masa dalam sejam gak ar untuk sampai kampus, kalau gerak dalam pukol 6.30 pagi naik KTM ke K.L Sentral pastu amek LRT ke Dang Wangi. Di sebabkan tak dapat hostel, terpaksa lah saya berulang  alik naik public transport, walaupun semasa sesi orientasi.

Sesi orientasi ni mengambil masa selama 3 hari jugak lah, yang bermula dari pukul 8.30pagi sehingga 11.00malam. Memang asyik ada benda je nak buat time tu sampai langsung tak leh nak berkomunikasi ngan dunia luar. Ceramah memanjang, dan time tu je lah yang dapat digunakan untuk tido. Haha. Pada hari kedua tu, kitorang diberi tugas untuk buat Silent Comedy cam dalam Maharaja Lawak Mega tu. Kena persembahkan pada hari ketiga. Memang agak bersemangat lah saya pada mulanya, itupun sebab saya telah dipilih menjadi ketua kumpulan, so macam dah jadi tanggungjawab saya ar untuk pastikan segala2nya berjalan lancar walaupun peluang untuk menang kami adalah sangat tipis kerana ada 12 team, dan semuanya hebat2 belaka.

Memang sukar pada mulanya untuk buatkan budak2 ni supaya tak malu untuk berlakon. Setelah cakap punya cakap, akhirnya mereka setuju. Pada hari ketiga, kami buat dalam 2 kali rehearsal mengikut story line yang kami cipta. Alhamdulillah, pada malam tersebut kami adalah team yang buat persembahan yang terahir, dan kami telah menang tempat kedua, kira kalah lah tu kan, huhu. Jadi, setelah mengharungi hari2 yang macam ni, saya rasa saya dah ready untuk belajar balik. So, kepada sesiapa yang membaca, tolong doakan kejayaan saya ye :)

Friday, January 6, 2012

Tensi Yang Terlebih2

Ok, hari ni saya sangat tensyen sekali!!!  Urm, cam tak sesuai.. Hari ni AKU tensyen gile!!! Dah lah hari ahad ni nak daftar masuk study balik. Elok pulak time tengah check2 document yang perlu disediakan, boleh pulak termiss satu borang yang memerlukan cop daripada Pesuruhjaya Sumpah. So, hari ni, hari Sabtu. Memang ada opis Persuruhjaya Sumpah yang bukak, n aku n mak aku pun cari ar. Cari punye cari, memang banyak yang tutup. Tapi adalah satu opis dia yang aku ketuk, ada orang keluar. Makhluk tuhan tu pun keluar sambil cakap, 'hari ni tak bukak, cuti umum'. Aku punye merayu kat si tua kutuk tu, tapi dia langsung tak layan n halau aku cam aku ni hanjeng kurap je. Aku tunggu dia depan toilet, pun di halau aku. Melayu sama Melayu tu. Pastu ngan bapak aku yang sound aku sepanjang perjalanan ke Klang n Shah Alam, bernanah telinga aku ni tuhan je yang tahu. Tak lama lepas tu, doktor tempat aku buat medical check up plak call, suro aku jaga pemakanan aku sbb buah pinggang aku cam tak lakukan kerja dia ngn betol. Ada air kencing dalam protein, walaupun darah aku ok, tapi dia still call n suro aku buat macam2. Aduh, macam2 aku nak kena dengar.
Maaf sesiapa yang terasa kalau aku gunakan perkataan 'AKU', sebab aku tensyen gile tak tau...