
Monday, July 2, 2012


Tak semua orang tahu cerita di sebalik tabir. Yang orang hanya tahu cerita yang dipaparkan. Hurm, ape yang aku merepek ni. Ok, just nak bagitau yang selama ni, aku dok fikir yang kita boleh kongsi kesengsaraan kita dengan orang lain (bukan suami or keluarga). Dalam erti kata lain, orang terapat dengan kita. Macam2mana kita cerita sekali pun, diorang just dapat dengar je, tak dapat rasa pun. Kadang2 cerita2 kita ni membosankan diorang. Nak buat camne. Kadang2, diri kita di judge plak oleh orang2 yang mendengar ni.  Lagi tak best. In the end of the day, kita juga yang merasa kesengsaraan tu. Memang kadang2 rasa macam nak give up, tapi deep in our heart, we know we can't. Atleast not now. Atleast we will give it one more go. Atleast we get to taste a little bit of what the world has in store for us. For me, I've been thru a lot. I've up there and down there. I have tasted more difficulties that others tasted sweetness. Not to brag, but I think I know very well how to handle a situation when it comes. Ofcoz I think that I am really wise. But there's a girl, she always made me feel like a dwarf in a giant's world. She is the reason why I look at the world at a different perspective. She is the reason why I won't give up~